Ill Wind

Published 1995

Separated from friends and family and haunted by personal demons, Anna Pigeon finds solace in the quiet ruins of the Anasazi civilization of Colorado's Mesa Verde.  But the rugged beauty of the park and the mystery of the Anasazi are cruelly overshadowed by danger and death...

Ill Wind, set in Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado, is the third in the Anna Pigeon Series.  Nevada worked there as a seasonal law enforcement ranger during the summers of 1991 and 1992. In recent years wildfires burned fifty percent of the park.

"When writing this book I had just gone through a horrible divorce, so wretched, in fact, that I have come to the conclusion that those who say they had an amicable divorce weren't really married. It was in my heart to kill and tear and rend.  Never underestimate the power of murderous impulses. That coupled with the stunning mystery of the Anasazi and that edge of the West where the mountains of Colorado break to become the mesas and deserts of New Mexico brought the violence and wonder I wanted for the adventure."
